Desk at Gimle Tegnestuen Østerbro (May+ June ONLY)
2100 kr /month
Udleje Københavnsområdet
Fantastic opportunity to share space with talented artists/illustrators at Gimle Tegnestuen (near Østerport Station)
Perfect for a creative vacation inside the city or who is looking for an inspiring dedicated space to work on that project/book/illustration/writing/comic book! (and finish it!)- Yes! You! at home feeling stuck! Give yourself this gift of trying a new place! :)
*Bonus network with 20+ experienced freelancer artists - best danish human artists in Cph.
** There is a Fancy Coffee machine and Sparkling water! - All the luxurious items you need to boost your confidence!
It's a subletting for ONLY 2 months (May + June).
2100 per month - 4100kr both months - prepaid.
No extra deposit necessary.
Space has around 3mx4m - Includes: small bookshelf, 2 desks (photo) - one adjusts height, so you can work standing up - your back will be thankful!
I think you will love it! :)
Send me an email talking a bit about yourself, how you would use this time and space and what's your fav. animal :) xxMalu :)